Non Immigrant Visa Petition


There are two types of nonimmigrant visas available for people who want to visit the United States.
• Visitor for business (B-1)
• Visitor for pleasure (B-2)

The B-1 visa is for individuals who wish to visit the United States temporarily for business purposes, (e.g. attending conferences) or for medical treatment, or to accompany a family member who requires medical treatment.

The B-2 visa is for individuals who wish to visit the United States temporarily as tourists or to visit family or friends.

If you are planning to visit the United States, you should be prepared to demonstrate the following:
• Your visit will be temporary
• You will depart at the end of your authorized stay or any extension granted by USCIS
• You are in possession of a valid passport
• You maintain a foreign residence that you have no intention of abandoning
• You are able to support yourself financially while in the United States
• You are admissible to the United States or have obtained a waiver for any ground of inadmissibility.